I wish I'd had a copy of Eva Rosenberg's Small Business Taxes Made Easy forty years ago when I first opened my own business or even later when I started teaching business accounting and financial management.
Ms. Rosenberg's broad experience in the field of business planning shines through on every page with clear, concise descriptions and examples.
Are you a beginner with a great web idea who is just getting your feet wet on the Internet? She takes you through each step of organizing you work with scads of resources to extend your learning curve.
Are you the frantic CEO of your own company looking for a solution to a specific problem? The index for this volume is outstanding and easy to use to put you on the right page for mastering the art of business reports and every type of tax problem.
Ms. Rosenberg's broad experience in the field of business planning shines through on every page with clear, concise descriptions and examples.
Are you a beginner with a great web idea who is just getting your feet wet on the Internet? She takes you through each step of organizing you work with scads of resources to extend your learning curve.
Are you the frantic CEO of your own company looking for a solution to a specific problem? The index for this volume is outstanding and easy to use to put you on the right page for mastering the art of business reports and every type of tax problem.
Today 'online' is where the business world operates. Where is your Nexus (the place where you do business) located? It is essential for you to understand the idea as more and more states fight for lost sales tax revenues due to Internet sales. Page 219 will get you started. I'm not trying to frighten you, but in WAASB I made the statement that "the Internet was the best free enterprise system since the Constitution of the United States was written," which for the time being is still true. Look at your phone bill and add up the taxes already in place for Internet usage.
Do like I did when I received my copy from the publisher. Take it to bed and read it in small portions. Underline, make marginal notes, and use Post 'Ems to create your own tab index of items important to your individual needs.
Through out the text, Ms. Rosenberg provides excellent definitions for terms, but a glossary of book-keeping terms begins on p. 79. This threw the reviewer who looks for this aid in the back of the book.
This is one volume that no business owner can afford to be without.
Visit with Eva Rosenberg at http://taxmama.com/.
Nash Black, author of Indie finalist Writing as a Small Business.